Please help make the State Tournament a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone!
In order of importance, the three priorities of the League are safety, fun and marksmanship.
Learn more about how shooting and scoring work!
All participants and spectators are required to adhere to all State Tournament rules and requirements included in the Policies & Procedures guidebook. Any participant or attendee who does not adhere to these rules will be disqualified and/or asked to leave the State Tournament.
The State Tournament committee reserves the right to make alterations in, or amendments to these rules at any time without notice.
Competition Format

Student athletes shoot their assigned number of targets to compete in BOTH individual and team events. Student athlete classifications are determined by the athlete’s year-end average weekly score after Week 5.Classifications include:
- Novice: 0-14.99 average per round
- Junior Varsity: 15-18.99 average per round
- Varsity 19-25 average per round
Team events for each classification (Novice, Junior Varsity and Varsity) require a minimum of five athletes in the same classification.
Virtual Tournaments
Virtual Tournaments are conducted when a variety of factors are involved that limit the opportunity to host an in-person event. Some factors may include: minimum number of participants, team travel restrictions, mass-gathering restrictions, shooting range availability, and/or conflicts in timing with other events.
This virtual event will follow most current tournament rules except:
- Teams will have up to ten (10) League-scheduled days to complete a 100-target event at their home shooting range.
- Coaches will be responsible for submitting scores through a dedicated event scoring application. Detailed instructions will be communicated prior to the event.
- Reverse run scores will be required to be submitted to break all ties.
- Scores and rankings will be published upon the completion of the event for all teams via a dedicated leaderboard page provided by the USA Clay Target League.
- Awards will be shipped directly to the winning teams for both individual and team honors
Targets and Ammunition
Competition targets are included with the participation fee for in-person events. Targets are NOT included with the virtual tournament participation fee.
All athletes will shoot 100 targets. All athletes are responsible for providing their own ammunition, which must adhere to gun club policies. Please contact the host club for questions regarding ammunition.
Voice-released targets will be used on all fields where applicable.
Individual Competition
All athletes will participate in the “High Gun” (highest number of targets hit) competitions in their corresponding classification. If a tiebreaker is required for any places, the longest reverse run of hit targets by the athletes will be used. The longest reverse run score will start from the last target and count backwards until a missed target is reached to determine the tiebreaker score. If there is a tie after the longest run is totaled, then a tie for that place is declared.
Team Competition
A minimum of five athletes from the same team in the designated classification will compete. There is no maximum amount of team members in a classification. The top five student athlete scores from a team will be used to determine the overall team score for their designated classification. No squadding is required. If a tiebreaker is required for any places, the team member with the highest round score from each team will be used to break the tie. Subsequent score comparisons will be used if the top score is tied.
Competition Guidelines
- Teams must supply their own scorekeeper and Range Safety Officer (RSO). More details can be found below in the ‘RSO’ and ‘Scoring’ sections.
- It is highly preferred that no person act in more than one official role (Coach, RSO, scorer) at any time. A coach should not act as a coach and RSO at the same time, or an RSO should not also act as scorer, etc, at the same time.
- Student athletes will shoot an early session (Session 1), and again after the first session has completed (Session 2).
- Athletes will shoot two consecutive rounds of 25 targets in each session.
- During each session, student athletes should place the second box of shells on the 24-yard line, for easy accessibility after the first round has been completed.
- Squads cannot take a break between rounds during each session except to retrieve the second box of ammunition.
- Squads for Session 2 must be comprised of the same athletes and squad shooting order as Session 1.
- Squads must be prepared to shoot immediately after the previous squad completes their round.
- Scoring disputes must be initiated by the student athlete only, and must be immediately after a scorer announces a lost target. Please reference page 9 of the Official League Policies and Procedures regarding disputing targets.
- Coaching is not allowed while athletes are shooting.
- Coaches may not be on the field while athletes are shooting. Coaches must remain on the sidewalk (if applicable) or a minimum of 5 yards behind the scorekeeper.
- Coaches may not communicate with scorers during shooting.
- Coaches may aid special-needs student athletes that require assistance while shooting.
Round Completion
Scoresheets must be submitted to scoring officials immediately after a round is complete. Lost scoresheets will result in a zero (0) for the entire squad.
Practice Rounds:
Due to high participation levels, practice rounds may or may not be available, based on the host club’s staffing and field availability. Please contact the host club for practice times and availability.
Suspension of Competition Due to Hazardous Weather Conditions
In the event of inclement weather before or during the Tournament, the League will make safety the first priority. When lightning is observed or thunder is heard, the event must be suspended. The occurrence of lightning or thunder is not subject to interpretation or discussion. Lightning is lightning; thunder is thunder.
Everyone will be asked to take shelter either inside of a building, shelter or vehicle. If, after lightning is seen, and it does not reoccur for 30 minutes, the event committee will review weather reports and the committee will decide if/or when the competition will resume.
If severe weather is forecast, and time permits, all participants will shoot a lesser number of targets as determined by the event committee. If time permits, all participants will shoot more targets until the prescribed number of targets has been shot. If weather does not permit completion of the shooting, the team with the highest score of the round(s) every shooter was able to complete, will be deemed the winner of that competition.
If a competition cannot be held due to severe/inclement weather, the competition will be cancelled.
Event cancellation and refund policy.
USA Clay Target League reserves the right to cancel an event or reduce the number of competition targets due to inclement weather or any other circumstances which would make the event non-viable. The following refunds pertain to in-person season-ending 100-target events as outlined in the policies and procedures.
• 50-Target Session 1 and/or Session 2 cancellation: $10 refund per Session per athlete
• Change to 75-target single Session event: $5 refund per athlete
• No refunds are allowed after a Session begins
An athlete or team that chooses not to participate in an event will not receive a refund for any reason.
Registrants will be refunded based on the payment selection the team made at the time of registration. All refunds for team events will be processed through the team’s head coach. Refunds will be issued within 21 days after the completion of the event.
There are no refunds for virtual tournaments, as there is a 10-day window to complete the event.
Emergency Preparation
Coaches should bring emergency contact information for all their athletes for reference if needed
Coach Check-In
Coaches are required to check-in at the registration tables located in the clubhouse. Coaches will receive athlete event t-shirts for their entire team.
Athlete Check-In
Athletes need to check-in with their coaches near their assigned field(s) before their assigned times. Athletes DO NOT need to check-in with event staff.
Shotgun Labels
As there are many similar shotguns at events. To avoid lost or misplaced shotguns, the League strongly suggests that student athletes affix a label that includes the name, school team, and contact information to their shotgun.
Scheduled shooting times and field assignments
Specific time and field assignments for teams are posted on the website and throughout the shooting facility during the event. Athletes will only be able to shoot during their team’s scheduled time on their team’s designated field(s). It is possible that final remaining members of team may be combined with another partial team to create a full squad of participants to maximize time allotment. Teams should arrive at least one hour before their scheduled time to allow check-in, squadding, and setup.
Teams will shoot in two separate sessions. After the starting time for each day, all starting and completion times are estimated. It is important to be prepared to shoot immediately after the previous team completes their round. No athlete registrations or substitutions are allowed at the event.
Squadding a Team
Coaches are provided a scoring sheets and two sets (Session 1 and Session 2) of pre-printed student athlete name labels at check-in. Coaches must:
- Apply Session 1 labels on the score sheets for each preferred squad. Do not pre-squad Session 2 until Session 1 pre-squadding is completed.
- If a team has a short squad (less than 5), coordinate with an adjoining field/team to add student athletes to complete a squad.
- Novice, Junior Varsity, and Varsity shooters may be squadded together.
- Members from a different team CAN be included on the same score sheet.
- If a student athlete does not report to the assigned trap by the scheduled time, the student athlete must be moved to the final squad out.
Range Safety Officials (RSO)
The League’s first priority is Safety.
Each team will provide a Range Safety Officer for the event. Team RSOs are responsible for ensuring that athletes and teams safely follow all policies and procedures. In addition, Team RSOs will ensure that athletes and teams shoot at their scheduled time and field in a timely manner.
The host club will have Master Range Safety Officers (RSOs) at the event to oversee athlete and spectator safety. Everyone is expected to comply to all instructions of all RSOs.
In the event of a safety issue, Teams RSOs are to take action to correct any safety concerns and notify a Master RSO. Master RSOs have final say in all safety matters.
Teams are responsible to bring a scorer for the event. Scorers must follow the scoring directions found at the top of each scoresheet. Failure to adhere to scoring instructions may result in score adjustments by event staff. Event staff scoring decisions are final.
Scores are recorded on the pre-squadded scoring sheet and tallied in the clubhouse. Scores will be posted on monitors if available and on the Clay Target Leaderboard available to most digital mobile devices.
Scores are recounted by event officials to ensure accuracy. Mismarked or illegible scoring sheets are considered a ‘lost target’ by event staff.
The only time a round score may be disputed is on the field immediately after a scorer has announced a lost target. All scores are final upon completion of the post.
25-50-75-100 patches
Patches will be awarded to those student athletes that achieve 25, 50, 75, or 100 straight at the event. Event practice rounds are not eligible.
Award Ceremony
An award ceremony will be held at the completion of the competition. Awards for season competition will be handed out along with awards for event competition.
If teams and/or student athletes cannot attend the event award ceremony, please pickup the award prior to departure or arrange a pickup of the award from event award officials.
The following awards will be awarded for event competition:
- Team – 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
- Novice, JV and Varsity high gun male and female: 1st – 3rd places
- Individual high gun: Highest number of targets hit overall.
Spectator Area, Tents, and Chairs
Any and all spectators are welcomed to attend the event. Team setups including tents and chairs are allowed BEHIND the field sidewalk.
If permitted by the host club, vehicles are temporary allowed to drive to the spectator and assigned field area prior to competition to unload gear. The area in front of the spectator sidewalk must remain clear at all times for event officials and maintenance vehicles. There is no cost for spectators and parking is free.
Food and Beverages
Food and non-alchoholic beverages can be brought to the event or purchased on event grounds and consumed in spectator or camping areas. Grills are only allowed to be used in designated parking or camping areas so the smoke is not disruptive to spectators and participants.
Friendly, obedient and socialized pets are permitted at the event. Pet owners who bring their pet is at their own risk and agree to accept full responsibility for any physical damage or personal injury caused by the owner’s pet or to the pet while on event property. Pets brought to the event must be current on all vaccines and must be able to provide proof of a current rabies vaccination upon request. Flexi-leads are not permitted. At all times, pets must be kept on a 6′ or shorter leash while on event property. As a responsible pet owner, please clean up after your pet.
For safety reasons, the owner of any pet showing aggression or disruptive behavior may be asked at any time to remove the animal from the event.
No Alcohol or Tobacco Use Allowed
Please refrain from the use of tobacco on event property during event hours.
Alcohol consumption is not allowed by any athlete, coach, parent, or spectator at any time during the event or awards ceremony.
Official Event T-Shirt
All participating athletes will receive an official event t-shirt as part of their paid registration fee. A limited supply of t-shirts will be available for purchase at the event or online (pickup at the event).
Ample on-site free parking is available to all participants.
Media Policy
Working credentials for League events are issued by the USA High School Clay Target League (USAHSCTL) to media/organizations for the sole purpose of providing sporting event access to an individual who has a legitimate working function on behalf of said media/organization, subject to the following conditions:
- Credentials are for use solely in connection with news and editorial coverage of the event.
- Any non-editorial, commercial, or other unauthorized use of transmission, film, picture, videotape, audiotape, writing, drawing or other depiction or description of any participant, event, event information, standings, or other activity, is prohibited without prior specific written approval of the USAHSCTL.
- The USAHSCTL is the sole arbiter in determining the nature of, and legitimacy, of an individual/organization’s use of USAHSCTL-related content, including transmissions, film, picture, videotape, audiotape, writing, drawing or other depiction or description of any participant, event, event information, standings, or other activity,
- Any non-editorial or commercial use of any team school name or logo is prohibited without prior specific written approval of the USAHSCTL and the School Administration.
Working credentials are not transferrable, and may be revoked at any time at the sole discretion of the USAHSCTL, and will automatically terminate if any term hereof is breached. Organizations should contact the League at to arrange credentials for League events.
Solicitation Policy
The USA High School Clay Target League and its state affiliates (henceforth referred as the ‘League’) prohibits third-party solicitation without express written permission at our events nationwide.
Non-Approved Solicitation:
To provide a distraction-free competitive environment for our athletes, team, coaches, and spectators, the League prohibits solicitation and petitioning by any non-registered entity, representative, or individual at League events, regardless of the cause being represented, to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Approved Solicitation:
The League values its relationship with all of its sponsors, vendors, and exhibitors.
The League takes steps to maintain a quality exhibition area with ease of access to booths and displays for all guests. Out of fairness to all, and to provide a distraction-free competitive environment for athletes and spectators, sponsors, vendors, and exhibitors are not allowed to solicit customers, spectators, or competitors outside the confines of their registered booths/areas.
All organizations that wish to solicit – regardless of cause, product, or service – must be pre-approved by the League. Existing approved sponsors, vendors, or exhibitors may not provide non-registered organizations, or their representatives thereof, space and/or access to event services without the express written permission of the League.
To ensure a distraction-free competitive experience at our event, the League takes the following steps:
- The League asks non-registered solicitors and petitioners to respect the League’s policy by ceasing their activities and leaving the League’s event premises. If compliance is refused,
- The League will partner with local law enforcement agencies to assist the League in having unwanted solicitors and petitioners removed from event premises. In addition, the League may prosecute trespassers.
- Previously approved sponsors, vendors, and/or exhibitors that violate the League’s solicitation policies, or act in a manner that assists others to circumvent or violate the League’s solicitation policies, may have their own access revoked, all fees forfeited, and be asked to leave the event premises.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) Use
Drone use is not allowed on event property without prior written approval from event officials. Approved use of a drone must fully comply with all Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements and guidelines as well as any other applicable laws.
Roadway Construction
Check the department of transportation’s website for current construction projects that may affect your travel.
Thank you!
This event is possible because of the dedication of coaches, assistants, schools, parents, student athletes and spectators that make it a competitive, enjoyable and safe experience.
The event committee reserves the right to make alterations in, or amendments to these rules at any time without notice. The event committee consists of the League representative, gun club manager, and club-designated RSO.